Tuesday, March 20, 2007

ryan is my lil mabn

I'm going out with Ryan Knox. He's soooo cute! hehe well... bored. bye *talkin to Ryan*

Monday, March 05, 2007

26 days and 10 days!

Hi, guess what... 26 days until Spring Break, and I go to Florida, AND 10 days until my lil bubby Carson turns ONE years old. Gawsh, the year has flew by. *tear-tear* I used to baby-sitt EVERY day him and his big sister over the summer and now, he's turning ONE... ONE! OMG! Well, just wanted to let you all know.


Thursday, March 01, 2007

Hello again!

Sorry I haven't been blogging like I used to, school work has really starting to become hard, and yeah. Anyways, on Tuesday, the whole 6th grade, got to talk to our High School Counselor, Connie Younglove. Ms. Younglove handed out regristration forms for 6th grade. On the back, our math class was listed, it was either Advanced Pre-Alg. 7 or just Pre-Alg. 7... of course, I got Advnaced Pre-Alg. 7! But the good thing is that my big CRUSH is in that class too, let's just hope we have the same hour math class!?!? LOL Right now math is terrifically easy. Tomorrow is Friday... it's also Dr. Seuss day, every teacher decorated their door to look like a Dr. Seuss book, and there is going to be a tour going on. My friend Stephanie & I have to write up a report on Daisy-Head Mayzie, so when the classes come around, they can hear about Daisy-Head Mayzie!
Okay, well I should probably go now and get reading and writing about the book.
See ya later,
I love Canada! LOL