Saturday, August 19, 2006


i don't have a color today. He-he! I can't wait till i see my boyfriend in school again so... we can get it going again. He was shy at fair yesterday. I ended up spending the night with Dawn and Duane Goetz (mom's friends) Dawn makes REALLY good chicken and noodles. I have my little cousin Paige over right now and she's playing with ceramic animals while i wait for my e-mail. She's only 5! Paige says "HI!" *giggles and laughter* Thought I had to tell the news about my cousin. We went to a garage sale and got A LOT of clothes for me. Matter of fact a whole American Eagle bag that I now adore. *more giggles and laughter* Anyway, I had a pretty good day today and to top it off... I went to the Grasshopper, -El Chapulin- oooh, beat that. I got nachos the best there is. Anyway, todays blog was longer than any of my blogs. haha Going bye-bye. Will post tomorrow, I hope. :D *smiles and giggles*

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