Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Sad, sad week

Guess what happened on Sunday night? Well, Saturday night around 12:00 my cousin Roxanne had a brain anuerism. Sunday evening...Robby her husband unplugged her, because she was completely brain dead or a vegetable. She wouldn't be able to recover from the anuerism, which made our entire family VERY, VERY SAD! Six months ago her father-in-law died of liver cancer which was my Great Uncle. This week is just getting worse and worse...my grandparents are going to Florida, my friend's moving to Chicago, and now this death. Please, please pray for my family. I'm getting teary just talking about it, good-bye!


1 comment:

Kimberley said...

Hey! Sorry to hear about all the stuff happening at one. Remeber that God is in control of everything even if we cannot see it! Hang in there.