Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Tuesday, December 12th, 2006

There is a new rule in place in my house. You must read the minutes/hours you would like to be online. Right now, I have 1 1/2 left in hour/minutes (points). Still no boyfriend section (good), so here was my school day. To visit the memorial website for my cousin: http://roxanne-willnow.memory-of.com thanks!

School day:
L.A. (English) I finished my study guide and read for the rest of class (30 min.points). In math we started long division with decimals which really stinks, because it takes forever and a day! (haha) In computer, we started our HyperStudio project on Computer Viruses (dangerous and illegal think twice). In spelling we started our contracts which is very easy for me (creative writing mind.) Science was easy.

Gotta go!

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